Program Director, Opportunity to Learn
Katherine Dunn is the Director of Advancement Project National Office’s Opportunity to Learn program, which supports campaigns across the country in the fight for quality education and an end to the school-to-prison pipeline. Prior to joining Advancement Project, she spent over a decade working towards education justice in the South. Katherine served as the Regional Policy Analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center, where she led the SPLC’s children’s rights policy work, as a General Attorney at the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, enforcing federal civil rights laws in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee schools, and as a Program Director at the Southern Education Foundation, where her work focused on research and advocacy to ensure equity in public education in the South.
Katherine is past Co-Chair of the American Constitution Society’s Georgia Lawyer Chapter and the Georgia chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, and a member of the 2018 LEAD Atlanta class. She was named to the Daily Report’s 2020 class of Georgia lawyers “On the Rise.” She is an ambassador with the Partnership for the Future of Learning and she serves on the board of Sur Legal Collaborative.