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How H.R. 1’s Passage Advances a Just & Inclusive Democracy

March 3, 2021

By Jorge L. Vasquez, Power & Democracy Program Director

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives is poised to pass H.R. 1 – The For the People Act – a pro-democracy piece of legislation that implements a host of measures that makes voting more accessible, limits dark money in politics and combats gerrymandering. In short, it’s a win for Black and Brown communities. It combats voter suppression schemes used to keep these voters from successfully casting a ballot and advances measures that ensure they have fair representation in the government(s) that make key decisions for their communities. In a nutshell, H.R. 1:

  • Restores the voting rights of those not currently incarcerated for a felony conviction
  • Eliminates discriminatory ID requirements. It requires states to allow voters to submit a sworn written statement to meet ID requirements to vote in federal elections
  • Makes vote-by-mail more accessible to Black and brown voters by blocking states from creating eligibility requirements for voters wishing to vote-by-mail in federal elections
  • Implements same day voter registration. It requires states to allow voters to register and vote on the same day during early voting and on Election Day
  • Requires that states implement Online Voter Registration (OVR) systems so voters can register to vote, update or cancel their registrations, and designate a party affiliation easily online
  • Requires states provide at least 15 consecutive days of early voting and ensures early voting locations are accessible

Listen to Judith Browne Dianis, Executive Director of Advancement Project National explain the climate and context in which H.R. 1 and H.R. 4, the John Lewis Advancement Act are being considered.

The For the People Act now heads to the U.S. Senate for consideration. What can you do to encourage lawmakers to pass the bill?

  1. Call your U.S. Senator and express your support for the bill. Tell them to vote ‘Yes’ on H.R. 1/S. 1, the For the People Act. Find your Senator online or call the Senate switchboard (202) 224-3121 to be directed to the right office.
  2. Express your support online using #HR1. Tweet at your U.S. Senators and show your commitment to a just, multi-racial democracy.
  3. Learn more about H.R. 1 and educate others on the significance of the bill!


Jorge L. Vasquez, Jr. is the Program Director for Power and Democracy. In this role, Jorge leads Advancement Project National Office’s voter protection, redistricting, rights restoration, and democracy initiatives. He has been recognized for his work as a national civil rights lawyer, policy influencer, and democracy expert.