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For the Love of the Sheroes in My Life: A Short Poem on Power

March 8, 2018

By Sabrina Khan, Power and Democracy Program Deputy Director and Senior Staff Attorney

In the spirit of International Women’s Day, today, I honor the incredible women in my life, both family and friends, who have taught me the ABCs of being a “shero.”

A mplify marginalized voices;
B ehold your greatest weapon: your brain;
C hannel frustration into meaningful action towards change;
D iversify your circles, thought partners and perspectives;
E xplore the world and test the bounds of adventure;
F oster a lifelong love of learning;
G ive back and often to the best of your abilities;
H ave patience with yourself: it’s okay to learn by trial & error;
I mmerse yourself in that which you love;
J oy is the best revenge, don’t let negativity steal yours;
K nowledge is power, so listen and read up;
L ean into your loving relationships and appreciate their support;
M ake sure you check yourself on your own assumptions;
N etwork to connect with local movements for change in your area;
O wn your strengths, celebrate your resilience;
P romote awareness about issues that need to be spotlighted;
Q uality over quantity;
R espect is the foundation of healthy relationships;
S tand up unequivocally for what you know is right;
T each others lessons you’ve learned over time;
U nlock your mind and cultivate your passions;
V alue empathy and its ability to build bridges;
W rite or find a creative outlet to express yourself;
X enophobia and ideologies of hatred have no place here;
Y es We Can / Si Se Puede;
Z ealously follow your passions in life.

Sabrina Khan is Senior Staff Attorney and Deputy Director of the Power and Democracy Program at Advancement Project National Office.