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We Cannot Keep Doing Business As Usual: Response to Biden’s “Safer America Plan”

Civil Rights Organization on President Biden’s “Safer America Plan”

Says Increase of Police Officers in Communities Will Not Only Fail to Improve Public Safety, But Also Lead to More Harm to Communities of Color

Washington, DC – In response to the “Safer America Plan” announced by President Joe Biden on Tuesday in Philadelphia, Liyah Brown, program director for the Justice Project at Advancement Project National Office, issued this statement: 

“President Biden’s call for an increase of police officers in our communities will not only fail to improve public safety, but will also inevitably lead to even more harm in communities of color. Even with nearly hundred of millions of dollars set aside for policing budgets, local police departments are unable to prevent harm. We cannot keep doing business as usual when that business persists in failure and is rotten to its core. 

Local communities know what they need for safety and wellness and are making progress in policing alternatives. And yet, this 37 billion dollar plan leaves no room for our communities to invest in education, housing, health and human services. 

“A safer America requires investing in people, not police. We cannot continue with a police-only model of public safety. Black people and other communities of color deserve to thrive. Together, we keep us safe.”


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