July 24, 2020
Did you know July 24 is a national holiday? Advancement Project National Office uplifts National Cousins Day today, which celebrates the extended family members we know and love – our cousins.
During this sustained moment of protest and unrest across the country, as well as calls for truth, racial justice and reconciliation, it’s time to lean into the honest perspectives our cousins often provide. When it comes to race, our family can harbor views and beliefs that are ill-informed, ignorant, and damaging.
Because of this, conversations around race can be challenging for many. For those who consider yourselves allies, it’s time to take real action for the people and ideas you believe in and love. It’s time to use your privilege to challenge and educate friends and family on topics related to race and racism.
National Cousins Day can be used as a time to have critical conversations about these issues. Consider calling or emailing a few of your cousins, or that one cousin you’ve been wanting to set straight on Facebook. If you’re not sure where to begin, we’ve got you covered!
For us, National Cousins Day is about leveraging your power, tapping into your networks, and getting involved. There are so many conversations to be had that can collectively spark understanding and action towards a more just society.
Get your cousins to re-imagine justice in communities of color the way our Justice Project and Immigration Justice Programs are. Send them to FreeAndSafeNow.org to learn how calling for incarcerated people to be released can put us on a path to community empowerment. Also have them check out InsideEloy.org, to see the devastating impact of one of the nation’s largest detention centers on communities of color.
Talk to cousin Karen about getting more involved with her local school board to understand what’s really happening to our young people of color, and why #PoliceFreeSchools will create free and safe learning environments.
Sign these petitions for our partners pushing or #PoliceFreeSchools in their cities.
Share with your cousins these 6 things they can do to support a fair and just democracy in the upcoming presidential election! We’re going to need all hands on deck to ensure a fair and just election process this November.
Below are a few links to resources that are sure to help kick-start engaging conversations amongst you and your cousins.
Conversations with Advancement Project National Office:
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and engage with us on social media using #NationalCousinsDay. If you have some resources you’re excited about and want to share, we encourage you to do so. Don’t forget to tag us (or your cousins!)
Happy National Cousins Day!